hello, my name is ae, pronounced as aah-eee. or you may call me luva.

formatted for desktop view, is absolutely not mobile friendly unfortunately (someday ill do it)
everything i make i put here.

please refresh if you're a frequent visitor!

enjoy !

note: all links leading to outside this webpage will open in a new tab (excluding webring). i coded it like that bc thats how i open all my links lol


you need to do whatever the fuck you want!
what is ae doing?
- getting into risk of rain
- exploring more music
- schoolwork blegh
updates - latest first (yyyy.mm.dd)

2025.03.11 - diary entry, edited index
2025.01.30 - diary entry, new art and css changes
2025.01.12 - photos and diary update
2025.01.09 - diary entry
2025.01.07 - 2025 art page, last 24' art, photos, movie entry, layout update
2025.01.01 - diary entry
2024.12.27 - additions to webring :3
2024.12.26 - started deploying site from github, removed writing and album pages, updated art & photo galleries, updated color scheme to be consistent throughout
2024.12.24 - landing page, screen overlay, about, movie log rehaul
2024.12.23 - diary entry, photos
2024.12.14 - more to about, added games page, new diary entry, updated albums, updated art
2024.12.13 - recent add-ons past week: new art and photos, webring, new color schemes, update log established, albums and stamps sections added. added guestbook.